Got a favorite gin-based summer cocktail? We want to hear about it!

Yesterday I noticed we had only one graphic tee left from NH artists Spare Gus Ink, an Alternative Apparel tee in natural brown that says, very simply, GIN (see photo). I thought to myself, why not give it away to someone who really, really loves gin? And what better way to prove your love than sharing your favorite original or little-known gin cocktail recipe!
Head on over to our Facebook page here and submit your favorite recipe. Encourage your friends to “like” your recipe — each “like” is a vote for you! The cocktail with the most “likes” at the end of the week (Friday being Cocktail Day in the Twitter universe, I found out) wins a gift bag from the shop filled with awesome cocktail parephenalia, including a one-serving stainless steel shaker, hibiscus flowers in syrup, retro paper straws, and other cool stuff. Oh, and of course the awesome GIN t-shirt.
Ready, set… shake!
— from Katie at The Wooden Midshipman